
Here are just some of the testimonials for our services.

Andrew quickly managed to answer my tax questions re the FEU tax rules for foreign entertainers. A helpful tax adviser from London UK.
— Oliver Catchpole
Andrew was very helpful in explaining the special UK tax rules applying to Foreign Entertainers – FEU. He succeeded in agreeing nil tax liability with the promoter.
— Marco Antonio V.
Andrew Fue muy util al explicarme las reglas especial de los impuestos del Reino Unido aAplicando para los Artistas Exteriores.- FEU – El tuvo éxito en aceptar responsabilidad fiscal NULA con el promotor.
— Marco Antonio V.
As a small start up record label and computer sales business Andrew helped explain the tax system in the UK. He helped me obtain a Company number (for my new company) , Workers Registration number (authorising me to work in the UK for my company), National Insurance (social security) number and VAT (sales tax) number. He understood the interaction between my UK and Polish businesses.
— Kris, No Echo Records
Andy byl bardzo pomocny przy rozpoczeciu dzialalnosci naszego labelu. Pomogl uzyskac Company number (rejestracja nowej firmy), Workers Registration (legalne zatrudnienie w UK) oraz National Insurance Number (ubezpieczenie spoleczne) jak rowniez numer VAT. Zrozumial rowniez interakcje pomiedzy nowa firma a spolka ktora prowadze w Polsce
— Kris, No Echo Records
I consulted Lido Tax to seek advice on UK Tax for Non-Residents/Foreigners, and was met with an engaging level of attention from Andrew Cazalet, who took time to understand my case and come back with tangible numbers and next steps for me to address my tax situtation.

The price level was reasonable and I would most definitely recommend anyone seeking high quality, personalised, flexible, quick response, UK tax advice to contact Lido Tax. In perspective, I made the same request to several larger firms and did not even get a response!
— Filip Nilsson, Sweden